Final Portfolio


Artistic Statement

Even though this was the longest project I have ever done the entire semester, I really enjoyed it. I mainly focused on three colors: yellow, blue and pink. Yellow is for the Adobe Illustrator, blue is for Adobe Photoshop and pink is for Adobe InDesign. I used some different shades in different pages to make it look more colorful and creative. 
While I struggled a lot throughout the semester because I have never used any of those software before or had any knowledge in art and design, this class helped me with all of these. I believe I have strong foundation in all of those software, and I got better with design than I used to a long time ago. I will gladly maintain all what I learned and learn even more in the future. Not only because I enjoyed the process of learning new things but I also because I believe it is beneficial to know those graphic designs and software skills. Finally, it's because I liked and I got more interested in it..


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