
Showing posts from January, 2023

Illustrator This tutorial was super simple. She did actually introduce the basic tools in illustrator and explained each one of them step by step. The rest of the tools seem pretty easy except the pen tool or any of the other drawing tools. 2. This tutorial was more detailed than the previous one. I think the hardest parts are the properties of windows like how to set them or adjust them and using keyboards to control a text or a shape. 3. This video was also super simple. I like how he was changing the shape of a triangle to any other shape by just clicking on the point. The second part where he was using a line to make any other shape seems difficult. 

Internet, Wi-fi and Bluetooth

  Internet, Wifi, and Bluetooth The Internet is considered a wire and a global network of computers that provide information and communication facilities. The internet was invented on Jan 1, 1983, by Nikola Tesla who thought of the idea of a “world wireless system.” Many scientists and engineers worked on creating the internet as well even before technology was invented, and that’s why the invention cannot be credited to just one person. Initially, it was created for government researchers to share information, but nowadays people use it to create blog websites and platforms. World Wide Web (www) is a short collection of web pages on the internet. Tim Berners-Lee invented it in 1989 to find a method for scientists to share data from their experiments. In the past, the first websites contained simple pages that have only words and pictures, but nowadays it’s made up of videos, animations, music, and quizzes. You can now access it through smartphones, smart TV, tablets, and smartwatches.

Introduction and ASCII Selfie

 Hi! I'm Ganna, a freshmen at University Of Tampa. I have three sisters. I am originally from Egypt, but I live in Palm Harbor, Florida with my family. I lived in US for three years so far. My hobbies include reading fiction and self development books. I also like to write articles.   Even though I am not really great with technology, I am still excited to learn and become more familiar with hardware , software and using digital tools to familiarize myself with the Digital World. I believe with positive mindset, patience and effort, I will get there. I look forward to learning from a professor with real world experience in media. design and other related fields. Finally, I look forward to expanding my creativity, my technical skills and generally just learning a brand new concepts and skills that will help me in my future film career.